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The Directorate General of Migration Management (Göç İdaresi) has established in 2013 under the Turkish Ministry of Interior in order to implement migration policies, strategies, to ensure coordination among agencies, and carry-out actions related to foreigners entry and exit from Turkey as well as removal, international and temporary protection, and victims of human trafficking.
Foreigners entered Turkey for Tourism purpose and wish to stay over 90 days / in every 180 day period [to be eligible visa for 1 – 90 days in the first 30 days, and 1 – 30 days visa before expiration stay] should lodge Turkish residence permit application in person (or by representative) to Göç İdaresi government Migration to continue legal stay in Turkey and live longer.
The sticker Visa or e-Visa, [Visa-exempt] type you enter in Turkey with (Tourism, Student, Business or Medical) will help the Migration officials to determine the purpose of stay, and the Turkish residence permit ID card you may be eligible to obtain.
Touristic Residence Permit: is issued to individuals who wish to stay for Tourism purpose, whose children will enroll in public and private elementary, secondary and high school, who search for job, setup Turkish company to create business. Short-term application declaration of statement, fill-in on matters concerning the travel plans (where, when and how long to stay) will be considered at assessment appointment.



Non-Turkish nationals holding valid short term Touristic residence permit; may option to live in Turkey as individual or family, marry Turkish spouse, make contacts with Turkish people for future concerns, work at international company and jobs at above average salary and benefits, replace foreigner drivers license to Turkish drivers license, open a Turkish bank account or buy property in Turkey.
Foreigners who enter in Turkey with Work visa and have Foreigner work permit ID card, upon fulfilling the work permit till the expire date, earn the right to transfer in 10 days direct to Touristic residence permit ID card to stay in Turkey longer without work, or search for more work again.

Touristic residence permit does not require to show any qualification, you don’t need to present the proof of Turkish language proficiency, no sponsorship is required, no jobs offer is required, no reference letters are required.

On routine there is no mandatory condition to buying Turkish property for residence permit or long term, the permanent residency permit. Touristic residence permit is permission to live in Turkey only issued by the Ministry of Interior Directorate General of Migration Management to foreigners (following the request and application by the foreigner + with the required documents providing she/he fulfills the related conditions) to live in our country as foreigner national, and may be used to enter / exit for visa free travel at 66 Turkey airports, 180 harbors and 26 borders of Turkey.
As first condition, the foreigner after entering Turkey to convert Tourist visa to 1 year short term Touristic residence permit, the passport should be valid 12 months + 60 days, or 26 months for 2 year duration stay. Residence permit is issued separately for every foreigner depending on the purpose of stay [in any case] for period 60 days shorter than the validity period of the foreign Passport or travel document.

Student Residence Permit: Is issued to the individual who entered with Student/ Education visa, and arrived to attend educational or similar programs as part of student exchange programs or agreements to which Turkey is a party. You may not apply for Student residence permit if you are enrolled in Turkish language learning course. Students to complete 1 year stay in Turkey are allowed to find a job and work legal.
Family Residence Permit: Is issued to married couples with children who entered with Tourism visa, where one parent is Turkish citizen and the other parent a foreigner citizen. Family Residence Permit is issued for 3 years with no renewal made, where after the foreigner spouse is entitled to transfer to Turkish citizenship for family unity. Foreigners buying property in Turkey for citizenship may apply for Family residence permit that is equal to the Touristic residence permit.
Business Residence Permit: Is issued upto 3 months to individuals who entered with Businessman visa, and will establish business or commercial connections; If the foreigners demand residence permit more than three months for this purpose, invitation letter or similar documents will be requested from the persons and the companies to be contacted. The residence permit may be renewed each time with an extension application, starting from 60 days before expiration date.

  1. To prepare travel to Turkey, first apply for sticker visa to Turkish Embassy, or if you have (valid Schengen visa in your Passport, or valid Schengen, USA, UK or Ireland residence permit at arrival to airport or border) simply purchase electronic e-visa online.
  2. Foreigner entered Turkey before with Passport may start online residence permit application from abroad, and book appointment date in advance before entering Turkey for convenience. Foreigner visiting first-time, after entered Turkey may contact iResidence Application Center before the visa expire period to be eligible to apply.
    Our in-house Insurance Desk will issue your health insurance in Turkey within minutes. Our Expert will process and complete the online application form 100% error-free according to Turkish migration law. (basic fee applies).

    You will be asked to select an appointment date and time for you at government Göç İdaresi migration offices available in 250 locations, at the same district / city / province of your home address in Turkey.

    You shall receive via e-mail the PDF registration, with application number and booked appointment assigned to you only. At anytime you may track active e-ikamet application in progress at the government website.

  3. Next, you will require to attend the short interview Mon – Fri from 08:30 – 16:30 hrs at Göç İdaresi government Migration office with Passport to sign and provide your original supporting documents, and pay e-ikamet government fee to complete your application process easily in Turkey.
    During the appointment you shall be issued a soft copy ‘e-ikamet residence for 90 days extra stay’ at no charge by Turkish government, to collect your hard copy ‘e-ikamet Residence permit ID Card’ in 10-15 days from the local PTT post office.
    You may at anytime track Residence ID card delivery from PTT government website.

Over 52.5 million visitors travel to Turkey, get ready and enjoy to live or work, or study as planned.



Turkey iResidence is proud to be reference of Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.

Turkey iResidence is proud to be reference of DOJ United States Department of Justice.

Turkey iResidence is proud to be reference of UNDP United Nations Development Agency.
